On September 21st, Lumi orchestrated moving the recently soda blasted historic 1951 4-Acre Motel neon sign.
In our effort to simply restore this historic sign back to original, soda blasting was recommended by Lumi board member, Jason Walker. Soda blasting is an environmentally safe way to remove old paint and not as abrasive as sandblasting.
Thanks to our Lumi friends at Haggard Hauling for their professional job of transporting, the 23 foot 4,100 lbs giant was moved across the city,
Jason Yeager, President of Midwest Sign, will finish the restoration of this grand old sign once the final soda blasting is completed. Much of the original neon was rescued and stored safely. Fossil Forge will orchestrate the final step of repairing any of the broken neon.
Once fully restored, the 4-Acre Motel neon sign will be headed to the Pennway Point Entertainment site for Lumi Neon Museum’s permanent collection.
The projected opening is Spring 2023 and will be free to our community to come visit.